Morning Muses
A woman surveys the courtyard of a home near Air ben haddou, Morocco.

Ride to Market
A donkey carries a man and his crutches to market in Morocco.

The Grocery Bill
A vendor tallies up the bill for a shopper at a rural market in Morocco.

Gathering Strength
A man rests before starting his shopping at a rural market in Morocco.

No Pase
Classic cars are a common sight in Cuba but keeping them running is not always easy. Havana.

Cigar hanging from his mouth, a man steers his horse through the streets in Trinidad, Cuba.

Working the Field
A farmer works his field outside Havana. Horses are commonly used as tractors are rare.

Restaurant Roof
The linens from the restaurant, below, are hung to dry on a rooftop in Havana, Cuba.

Pencil Sharpener
A young girl sharpens her pencil in an open window in Havana, Cuba.

Final Touches
A father touches up his daughter’s face paint as she prepares to dance at a Pipe Ceremony event on Heart Mountain, Wyoming.

Grant Bulltail
Crow elder and honored storyteller, Grant Bulltail, in front of Heart Mountain, Wyoming.

Before the Dance
Prince Three Irons prepares to dance during a Pipe Ceremony at Heart Mountain, Wyoming.

Branding Day
Friends and family gather for a day of branding and vaccinating young calves near Clark, Wyoming.

Get Along Little Doggies
A cowboy drives a group of young calves into a pen where they will be branded and vaccinated.

Moving Calves
A cowboy pulls a calf out into the field to be released after branding and vaccinations.

Roping the Sky
A cow hand prepares to throw his lasso over a young calf in preparation for branding.

Morning Catch
A group of young fisherman cast their lines for breakfast of the beach in Costa Rica.

Women's Work
Heather Cole uses a hand saw to remove a log that is blocking a popular trail in Shoshone National Forest.