Kathy Lichtendahl

MY story

A lifelong conservationist and adventurer, Kathy Lichtendahl began seriously photographing the natural world more than a decade ago.

Since then, Kathy’s work has been featured in a variety of publications including Outdoor Photographer, Wyoming Wildlife, Expressions, Cody Living and more. Her images have been used to benefit organizations such as The Nature Conservancy in Wyoming, Wyoming Outdoor Council, Greater Yellowstone Coalition, Absaroka Fence Initiative and Wyoming Untrapped

In 2014, Kathy started her company, Light in the Valley, LLC, based in Wyoming's Beartooth Mountains. Although the primary focus of the company is to create images, the larger goal is to tell conservation stories in ways that engage the public in the future of the environment. 


Code of Ethics

I consider myself a conservation photographer and as such, I have a code of ethics by which I work. First and foremost is the idea that I am a part of the environment, not apart from it. 

Whenever possible, I familiarize myself with a location and/or a subject before I decide where and what aspects of the area to photograph. I do not trespass on private property and I strive to leave every spot in as good or better shape than it was when I arrived. I do not alter a landscape to create my composition but rather work to create the best image possible by adjusting my position, timing or equipment. 

I treat all living creatures with respect. I photograph wildlife in its natural habitat and retreat at any sign that I am influencing behavior. I am aware of certain times of physical strain and breeding seasons in wildlife populations and do not exacerbate their stress during these times. I do not publicly share the locations of any fragile area, plant or animal. I do not entice animals by baiting and discourage others from doing so. 

If I am leading a photo group I limit group size to a number appropriate to the environment in which we are photographing and I share my principles with the group before we begin shooting. 


Let’s connect!


I am excited to connect with editors and organizations that use photography to tell conservation stories. To feature this work in a publication, to discuss a storytelling collaboration, or to just chat bugs, nature, and photography, send me an email!